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Title File Category Date File Format
Comprehensive Sexual Health Program Policy edu-comprehensive-sexual-health-program-policy.pdf (437.97 KB) 01/07/2019 PDF
Retired Educator Application Flowchart Retired License Application Flowchart.pdf (288.23 KB) 01/07/2019 PDF
Retired License Renewal Application Flowchart Retired License Renewal Application Flowchart.pdf (272.27 KB) 01/07/2019 PDF
Census-Based Funding Advisory Group Approved Minutes from January 7, 2019 Census Based Funding Advisory Group Approved Minutes- 01-07-2019.pdf (391.59 KB) 01/07/2019 PDF
Summary of Agency of Education's Proposed Changes to Act 173 CBFAG_Summary of AOE Proposed Changes to Act 173.pdf (175.53 KB) 01/07/2019 PDF
Recommendation from VCSEA for Census Based Funding Advisory Group Recommendation for VCSEA for Census Based Funding Advisory Group-1-7-2019.pdf (789.65 KB) 01/07/2019 PDF
Memo from Tom Lovett, Twila Perry, Mark Tashjian and Bill Bugg to the Census Based Advisory Group Memo from Lovett Tashjian Perry Bugg-Census Based Funding Advisory Group-1-7-2019.pdf (170.62 KB) 01/07/2019 PDF
Agency of Education Update to the Census Based Funding Advisory Group CBFAG AOE Presentation-1-7-19.pdf (582.25 KB) 01/07/2019 PDF
Level I License Renewal Application Through L/RSB Flowchart Level I License Renewal Application through LRSB.pdf (314.6 KB) 01/04/2019 PDF
Nepali Notice to Households and Instructions edu-nutrition-nepali-notice-households-instructions.docx (32.96 KB) 01/04/2019 Text
State Board of Education - Draft Minutes from January 2, 2019 edu-state-board-draft minutes-01_02_19.pdf (380.35 KB) 01/02/2019 PDF
State Board of Education -Special Meeting Agenda edu-state-board-final-agenda-01_02_19.pdf (360.15 KB) 01/02/2019 PDF
Designing Our Future: A Blueprint for Transforming Vermont's Education System draft-edu-designing-our-future-v.1.pdf (310.65 KB) 01/01/2019 PDF
Educator Licensure Requirements vsbpe-legislative-report-educator-licensure-requirements.pdf (1.23 MB) 12/31/2018 PDF
Memo to Principals Regarding Prekindergarten Incident Reporting memo-principals-regarding-prekindergarten-incident-reporting.pdf (304.45 KB) 12/27/2018 PDF
VT AOE GMS Budget Export edu-vt-aoe-gms-budget-export.pdf (133.8 KB) 12/20/2018 PDF
State Board of Education - Draft Minutes from December 19, 2018 edu-state-board-final-draft-minutes-12_19_18 .pdf (484.38 KB) 12/19/2018 PDF
Agenda Item D: Renewal of General Education and Special Education Independent School - Stone Path Academy edu-state-board-item-d-1-12_19_18.pdf (600.89 KB) 12/19/2018 PDF
Agenda Item D: Renewal of General Education and Special Education Independent School - Rock Point School edu-state-board-item-d-2-12_19_18.pdf (575 KB) 12/19/2018 PDF
Agenda Item D: Stone Path Academy Letter edu-state-board-item-d-1-12_19_18-Letter.pdf (799.87 KB) 12/19/2018 PDF