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Table data
Title File Category Date File Format
Agenda Item L: Burlington College - Expend State Funds to Store Records edu-state-board-agenda-item-082316-l.pdf (341.78 KB) 08/23/2016 PDF
Agenda Item M: Board of Education Update- Federal Initiatives 2016 edu-state-board-agenda-item-082316-m.pdf (344.1 KB) 08/23/2016 PDF
Agenda Item N: Aligning Agency Work with Education Quality Standards edu-state-board-agenda-item-082316-n.pdf (791.64 KB) 08/23/2016 PDF
Health Education Guidance - Elementary edu-healthy-safe-schools-health-education-guidance-elementary.pdf (166.39 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Health Education Guidance - Middle and High School edu-healthy-safe-schools-health-education-guidance-middle-and-high-school.pdf (171.2 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Late Referral Transition Policy and Procedures edu-early-education-late-referral-process-guidance.pdf (345.12 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Adverse Effect Frequently Asked Questions edu-special-education-adverse-effect-faqs.pdf (268.34 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Adverse Effect Training Materials edu-special-education-adverse-effect-training-materials.pdf (339.2 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Regional Part C Interagency Agreement Form edu-early-education-part-c-regional-iaa-fillable-form.pdf (730.4 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Public High School Choice Frequently Asked Questions edu-public-high-school-choice-faq.pdf (140.1 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Understanding Why We Test edu-memo-holcombe-regarding-understanding-why-we-test.pdf (189.9 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Microsoft Licensing Agreement Overview and FAQ edu-digital-learning-microsoft-licensing-agreement-overview.pdf (208.49 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
State Plan - Career Technical Education edu-career-tech-state-plan.pdf (1.09 MB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child edu-healthy-safe-schools-whole-school-whole-community-whole-child.pdf (289.63 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Education Fluency Guildelines edu-early-education-fluency-guidelines.pdf (199.8 KB) 08/22/2016 PDF
Average Daily Membership Resident District - ADM16 edu-data-average-daily-membership-adm16-resident-district.xlsx (30.8 KB) 08/19/2016 Spreadsheet
Average Daily Membership Resident District - ADM17 edu-data-average-daily-membership-adm17-resident-district.xlsx (32.17 KB) 08/19/2016 Spreadsheet
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Selected NECAP Science Assessment Items edu-content-areas-three-dimensional-analysis-of-selected-necap-science-assessment-items.pdf (187.39 KB) 08/19/2016 PDF
School Comparison Data for Cost Effectiveness - FY2007 edu-data-cost-effectiveness-comparison-fy2007.xlsx (91.16 KB) 08/19/2016 Spreadsheet
School District Spending Per Pupil - FY2014 edu-data-per-pupil-spending-fy2014.xlsx (517.77 KB) 08/19/2016 Spreadsheet