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Title File Category Date File Format
Due Process # 22-03 – Decision and Order - February 19, 2022 edu-dp22-03–decision-and-order-02-19-22.pdf (495.43 KB) 06/06/2023 PDF
Office Hours Archive Notes 4.19.23 Office Hours- 4.19.23.pdf (828.23 KB) 06/05/2023 PDF
Memo: Dual Enrollment and Early College Participation Agreement for Non-Operating Districts for FY24 edu-memo-decarolis-non-operating-dual-enrollment-early-college-20230605.pdf (543.79 KB) 06/05/2023 PDF
Special Education Advisory Panel: Executive Committee - Approved Minutes - April 27, 2023 edu-sped-advisory-panel-executive-committee-approved-minutes-04-27-23.pdf (189.68 KB) 06/05/2023 PDF
Waiver Request Form for Superintendents vsbpe-waiver-request-superintendent-6-2-23.docx (629.32 KB) 06/04/2023 Text
Waiver Request Form for Educators vsbpe-waiver-request-educator-6-2-23.pdf (296.78 KB) 06/04/2023 PDF
HHB Meeting Agenda - June 2, 2023 AOE_HHB_Agenda_06022023.pdf (152.2 KB) 06/02/2023 PDF
Harassment, Hazing and Bullying Prevention Advisory Council Draft Minutes from June 2, 2023 HHB Meeting Final minutes - 060223.pdf (211.29 KB) 06/02/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU048 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su048.pdf (946.12 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU049 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su049.pdf (944.55 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU051 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su051.pdf (945.63 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU052 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su052.pdf (944.32 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU040 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su040.pdf (944.05 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU047 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su047.pdf (944.58 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU046 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su046.pdf (944.51 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU042 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su042.pdf (944.36 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU054 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su054.pdf (944.02 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU034 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su034.pdf (945.36 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU055 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su055.pdf (943.71 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF
Local Annual Performance Report - SY 2021-2022 SU035 local-annual-performance-report-sy-2021-2022-su035.pdf (945.68 KB) 06/01/2023 PDF