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Integrated Field Review Video Series

The Vermont Agency of Education has produced two video series that show the IFR process and promising practices in place in Vermont School Districts and Supervisory Unions. (SU/SDs) The Education Quality Review series gives an overview of the IFR process. The Promising Practices series highlights several promising practices that the agency identified through the IFR process. In this way, the IFR process doesn't just identify areas for improvement, but helps identify new and effective practices that can drive continuous improvement in other districts and schools.

IFR Promising Practices Videos

Education Quality Review Videos

IFR Promising Practices Videos

The Vermont Agency of Education has produced, in collaboration with Battelle for Kids, a series of videos communicating the promising practices being implemented in four Vermont SU/SDs identified through IFRs. These videos capture voices from the educators who were part of the pilot process to communicate the purpose of the IFR process and its impact on education in Vermont.

Teaching the Whole Child

Union 32 High School educators talk about their whole child approach to education, components of their system, and how they’ve built a culture of caring at the high school level.

Curriculum Camp

Educators from Lamoille South Supervisory Union speak about their innovative professional learning opportunity where educators collaborate and are provided systemic learning opportunities.

Student-Centered Learning

Rutland Central Supervisory Union educators talk about their Learner-Centered Model and how it cultivates self-direction in students.

Youth and Adults Transforming Schools Together

Blue Mountain Union School District educators and students speak about the impact YATST has had on their school and community, student learning, and increased opportunities for student voice.

Education Quality Reviews Videos

This video series takes a look at the AOE's Education Quality Reviews (EQR) that help assess the degree to which the Education Quality Standards (EQS) are being addressed in Vermont schools, identify best practices, and support the continuous improvement of our schools.

Student and Community

Student involvement in Education Quality Reviews is an important aspect of the process.

The Voice of the Field

Teacher participation in EQA is an opportunity for feedback, advice, and learning from peers.

The EQR Process

The EQR process integrates feedback from teachers.

History and Purpose

Education Quality Reviews are made up of two parts: An annual review of quantitative data and Integrated Field Reviews with an opportunity for peer-to-peer feedback and reflection.

educational programs