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State Board of Education

Date: October 21, 2020, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Call in Number: 1-802-552-8456
Conference ID: 782 665 827#

Approved Meeting Minutes

Draft Meeting Minutes


Item B: Draft Meeting Minutes from September 16, 2020, Vermont Assssment Center at Newbury House

Item C: Letter from Chair Carroll to Representative Webb and Senator Baruth Regarding the Withdrawal of School Districts

Item H: Memorandum - Summary of Information Provided Concerning Kurn Hattin's Approval, 990 Summary Notes, 2019-2020 Kurn Hattin Licensing Report Final 062520, Approval Report for SBE Kurn Hattin June 2017, Kurn Hattin - Table 7.1 Staffing 2020-2021 09.22.20, Kurn Hattin Closure Letter 09.10.20, Kurn Hattin Homes for Children Re-Opening Procedures; NEASC Letter to Kurn Hattin Homes SPR JUNE 2020, Statement from Kurn Hattin Homes 09-19-20, NEKHH Program and Curriculum Update 09.22.20, Audited Financial Statement for 2017, Audited Financial Statement for 2018, Audited Financial Statement for 2019; Preliminary Financial Statement for 2020; Secretary French Recommendation to Review Kurn Hattin; Chair Carroll Letter to Mr. Harrison; Primmer, Piper, Eggleston and Cramer, PC - Letter to Chair Carroll and Mark Tashjian; Andrus Wagstaff, PC - Letter to Chair Carroll and Mark Tashjian

Item I: SBE Rules and Dates that Rules were Last Revised

Item J: Implicit Bias Training, Creative ResourcesProposal for training for State Board of Education, Vermont Human Rights Commission

Item K: Public Comment on Proposed Revisions to Rule Series 2360 and 1300, Summary of Public Comment on Rules Series 1300 and 2360

Item N: Expenditure Report FY20

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 - 5:00 AM - Wednesday, October 21, 2020 - 11:00 AM
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