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Memo: Immediate Enrollment of McKinney-Vento Eligible Students

As a result of increased housing-related challenges in the state, as well as impacts of the flooding of 2023, many schools and districts are experiencing a significant increase in the number of students experiencing homelessness. Additionally, Vermont continues to welcome refugees, immigrants, and New Americans to the state through a variety of pathways. Many of these families and individuals are being placed in temporary living situations, some of which may meet the definition of homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act.

This memo provides information on the definition of “homeless” under the McKinney-Vento Act, as well as the requirements for immediate enrollment for students whose living situations meet this definition.

Memo: Release of Vermont High School Proficiency-Based Graduation Hierarchies

The Agency of Education has released content area Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement (PBGR) Hierarchies for grades 9 through 12. The AOE recommends that Supervisory Unions/Districts (SU/SDs) use these Hierarchies as they reflect on the key concepts and skills that students should demonstrate proficiency in within each content area upon graduation.

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