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Title I Part A Homeless Set-Aside

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires local educational agencies (LEA) to reserve sufficient Title I, Part A funds to provide educationally related support services to children and youth experiencing homelessness. These set aside funds are intended to ensure students experiencing homelessness receive services comparable to those provided to children attending schools served with Title IA funds (ESEA §1113(c)(3)(A)(i)). In addition, these funds may be used to provide children and youth experiencing homelessness with services not ordinarily provided to other students (ESEA §1113(c)(3)(C)(ii)).

Memo: Immediate Enrollment of McKinney-Vento Eligible Students

As a result of increased housing-related challenges in the state, as well as impacts of the flooding of 2023, many schools and districts are experiencing a significant increase in the number of students experiencing homelessness. Additionally, Vermont continues to welcome refugees, immigrants, and New Americans to the state through a variety of pathways. Many of these families and individuals are being placed in temporary living situations, some of which may meet the definition of homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act.

This memo provides information on the definition of “homeless” under the McKinney-Vento Act, as well as the requirements for immediate enrollment for students whose living situations meet this definition.

Memo: Release of Vermont High School Proficiency-Based Graduation Hierarchies

The Agency of Education has released content area Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement (PBGR) Hierarchies for grades 9 through 12. The AOE recommends that Supervisory Unions/Districts (SU/SDs) use these Hierarchies as they reflect on the key concepts and skills that students should demonstrate proficiency in within each content area upon graduation.

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