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Volume 11, Issue 50

December 13, 2017

Bridge Project Newsletter - Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Implementation

Audience: All Schools, Supervisory Unions, Supervisory Districts and Other Stakeholders Involved with the State Systemic Improvement Plan, and/or Bridge Project, the former State Personnel Development Grant
The Bridge Project Newsletter provides information and updates on the Bridge Project, which serves as a bridge between the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) implementation work begun during the last State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) and the next SPDG project for Vermont. The Bridge Project coordinates technical assistance, resources, professional learning, and guidelines to Supervisory Unions’ and Districts’ leadership teams to support tiered systemic approaches to initiating, implementing, and sustaining school-wide efforts consistent with Title 16 and Vermont’s Education Quality Standards.
Contact: Meg Porcella at

BEST/Act 230 Funding Opportunities

Audience: Superintendents, BEST/Act 230 Coordinators, Directors of Special Education, Curriculum Coordinators, Principals
Additional BEST/Act 230 funds have been released. Supervisory Unions/School Districts (SUs/SDs) that have not previously applied for BEST/Act 230 funding for SY17-18 may apply for up to $7,000. SUs/SDs having already been granted funds for SY17-18 may apply for up to $2,000 more. Grant funds are allowed to support the implementation of evidence-based and promising practices that support positive school climate, student proficiency, and personalization within a tiered system of academic and behavioral supports to assist all students in working toward attainment of the standards. Funding is based upon approvable activities and the availability of funds. Visit our webpage for full instructions regarding the BEST/Act 230 application process and approvable activities. Applications must be submitted on or before the close of business on December 22, 2017. Late applications will not be reviewed.
Contacts: Meg Porcella at or (802) 479-1870 or Sabine Baldwin at or (802) 479-1393

Be Money Wi$e Poster Contest

Audience: All
The Vermont State Treasurer's Office's Be Money Wi$e poster contest is nearing its March deadline for student submissions. This year's poster contest theme is Big Ideas Pay Off.The deadline for submission is March 15, 2018.  All submissions must be between 8 1/2" x 11" and 11" x 17" in size (11" x 17" is preferred) and must be submitted on white paper stock. The winning students and their schools will be recognized at an April 6, 2018 State House ceremony in Montpelier as part of an observance of April as Financial Literacy Month. The State Treasurer will recognize the student poster contest winners. Students may win a $100 cash prize and their school a $100 cash prize. The school prize is a small way we can say “thank you” to teachers, librarians and administrators who take the time to encourage involvement in the contest and support financial education. 
Contact: Thea Wurzburg, Financial Literacy and Policy Assistant, at

Vermont Community Right-to-Know (Tier II) Program Reporting For Schools

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Custodians
Vermont’s Community Right-to-Know (Tier II Program) is based on the Environmental Protection Agencies program, with more stringent reporting requirements. Although Schools are exempt from paying fees, if they have chemicals that exceed the reporting thresholds, a report must be submitted to the Division of Fire Safety- Community Right-to-Know Program administrator (see contact below). This should be done electronically. View the Tier II announcement letter/packet and software link.
Contact: Todd Cosgrove, Chief Vt. Hazardous Materials Response Team and Tier II Program Manager, at

Courtesy Postings

The views, opinions, and resources shared in this section of the WFM are solely those of the original contributors. The Agency of Education does not endorse the views expressed by these contributors and reserves the right to refuse submissions. Questions related to any of these resources should be directed to the organizations, people, and opportunities as shared.

The Governor's Institute of Vermont: Winter Weekends

The Governor's Institute of Vermont announces two Winter Weekends in February. Winter weekends are two-day intensive learning experiences for academically or artistically motivated 9-12 graders. A wide range of 10 topics this year. Applications accepted starting December 10, 2017. Tuition is on a sliding scale, so programs are accessible to all students. Learn more about Governor's Institute on Vermont Winter Weekends
Contact: Susie Moakley at

Central Vermont School Makerspace Workshop Rescheduled

Vita-Learn Central Region has rescheduled its free Makerspace workshop from 4-6 p.m. to January 9, 2018 due to weather and school cancellations. This workshop will include a tour of Design Lab/Makerspace at Barre Town School and a workshop lead by Michael Pope focused on Student Directed Making and Maker space Creation / Facilitation. Learn more and register for the free school Makerspace workshop.
Contact: Lucie deLaBruere at

Complex Trauma in Our Schools

School communities are continually impacted and challenged in addressing complex trauma in their settings. Children may display a range of symptoms and behaviors that are difficult to organize and understand. Teachers, paraprofessionals and administrators need frameworks for interpreting behaviors and expanding practices that build a more attuned and responsive educational environment. The cost is $145.00 to attend day one workshop only on January 26, 2018, and $1595.00 to attend the full course to receive three graduate credits or $550 to attend the full course without graduate credits.  Learn more and register for Complex Trauma in Our Schools.
Contact: Catherine Diduk at

Educational Technology Online Courses

If you are interested or involved with technology integration in teaching/schools, UVM is offering two online courses for the spring semester. Vermont educators can use these courses to work toward an endorsement as a technology integration specialist. Coursework aligns with ISTE standards recently adopted by Vermont. Please act soon to learn more and sign up for EDCI 325 Coaching and Leading Technology Innovation in Schools and/or EDFS 320 Technology, Schooling, and Society by visiting the UVM's Continuing and Distance Education website
Contact: Maureen Neumann at

Music Together for Children Three Months to Five Years Old

Join Alison Mott and a community of families at the Flynn Center this winter on Mondays from 10-aa a.m. sharing songs, instrument play, rhythm chants, and movement activities in a relaxed, playful, non-performance-oriented setting. For caregivers and children ages three months to five years old. The cost is $155 for 10 weeks (includes materials), and $50 for each additional sibling. The winter session runs January 15 - March 19, 2018. Register for Music Together.
Contact: Sarah Caliendo, FlynnArts Coordinator, at

Relational Thinking in the Primary Grades: Foundations for Algebra

These workshops are being offered in only two locations this year, and they tend to fill up quickly so please register as soon as possible. Each session will run from 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Workshop #1: Quantitative Reasoning, will be held in St. Johnsbury on January 10, 2018 and Richmond, January 12, 2018. During this workshop, participants will explore how young children develop an understanding of the relationships between two or more quantities and how this helps to build a better understanding of quantities, equality and inequalities. Workshop #2: Operations and Algebraic Thinking will be held in St. Johnsbury on January 31, 2018 and Richmond, February 2, 2018. During this workshop, participants will explore how students develop an understanding of the operations of addition and subtraction, how each operation behaves and the relationship between them. Workshop #3: Automaticity of the Basic Addition and Subtraction Facts will be held in St. Johnsbury on March 7, 2018 and Richmond, March 8, 2018. During this workshop, participants will discuss the importance of all students having a solid conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction prior to build procedural fluency and practicing for automaticity. Register for the Relational Thinking in the Primary Grades: Foundations for Algebra workshops.
Contact: Loree Silvis at

Mosaic Student Summit Facilitator Certification Training

Registration is now open for the Mosaic Student Summit Facilitator Certification Training February 1, 2018, held at the Central Vermont Career Center, Barre, VT. The first day of the training will introduce the foundations of appreciative inquiry and strengths-based education in addition to the sequence and structure of a Student Summit. There will be two 90-minute coaching calls scheduled in March and April to support participants as they facilitate their own Student Summit. May 18, 2018 will be the final day, where participants share the outcome of their summits and discuss the impact the activity had on their own experience and the experience of other participants. Register for the Student Summit Facilitator Training.
Contact: Michelle Irish at

Reading and the Brain

How does our primate brain learn how to read using preexisting neural circuitry and what happens when the reading process goes awry? This interactive course is designed for any educator who wishes to learn about the neuroscience of reading and how research and knowledge of the English language improve classroom instruction. Learn more and register for Reading and the Brain.
Contact: Caitlin Niland, Intake Coordinator for Professional Learning, at (802)878-2332 ext 320 or

Vermont School Counselor Association Professional Awards

The Vermont School Counselor Association (VTSCA) is now accepting nominations for our 2018 Professional Awards; Outstanding School Counselor of the Year, New School Counselor the Year and the Lifetime Achievement Award. Please visit the VTSCA website for more information and to nominate a school counselor. The deadline for applications is January 5, 2018.
Contact: Kara Pawlusiak at

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The field memo has time-sensitive and relevant information designed for students, teachers, and staff. The agency encourages principals, headmasters, and superintendents to share the memo with their education community. Additionally, individuals can subscribe or unsubscribe online.

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