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Title File Category Date File Format
Agenda Item 2(LC): Praxis Core Math Cut Score Agenda Item 2LC_Praxis Core Math Cut Score.docx (165.99 KB) 04/19/2022 Text
VSBPE Agenda Item 2(A): Staff Report 4/19/22 April 2022 Staff Report.docx (160.32 KB) 04/19/2022 Text
VSBPE Agenda Item 3(A): Proposed 2022 Rule Changes Proposed 2022 VSBPE Rule Changes.docx (156.06 KB) 04/19/2022 Text
Special Education Advisory Panel: Agenda for April 18, 2022 edu-special-education-advisory-panel-agenda-041822.pdf (147.98 KB) 04/18/2022 PDF
State Board of Education-Independent School Approval Review Committee Draft Meeting Minutes: April 13, 2022 edu-sbe IS Approval Review Committee draft meeting minutes-4-13-2022.pdf (231.28 KB) 04/15/2022 PDF
Act 1 Ethnic and Social Equity Standards Advisory Working Group Draft Meeting Minutes from April 14, 2022 04.14.22 Act 1 Meeting Minutes.pdf (405.22 KB) 04/14/2022 PDF
Vermont’s Early Multi-Tiered System of Supports Preliminary Pyramid Assessment (PPA) edu-vt-early-mtss-preliminary-pyramid-assessment-ppa.docx (287.43 KB) 04/14/2022 Text
Early MTSS Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) - Communication of Behavior: To Self-Regulate edu-early-mtss-fba-communication-of-behavior-to-self-regulate_0.pdf (894.57 KB) 04/14/2022 PDF
Act 1 Ethnic and Social Equity Standards Advisory Working Group Agenda for April 14, 2022 20220414 Act1 Agenda.pdf (304.52 KB) 04/14/2022 PDF
2021 Annual Technology Survey Results edu-2021-annual-technology-survey-results.pdf (1.58 MB) 04/14/2022 PDF
Administrative Complaint Form (Print Version) edu-administrative-complaint-form_0.pdf (1022.81 KB) 04/14/2022 Text
Advisory Council on Literacy Draft Meeting Minutes - April 13, 2022 Advisory Council on Literacy-draft meeting minutes-04-13-2022.pdf (294.08 KB) 04/13/2022 PDF
Advisory Council on Wellness and Comprehensive Health Draft Minutes from April 13, 2022 Advisory Council on Wellness-draft meeting minutes-04-13-2022 .pdf (226.36 KB) 04/13/2022 PDF
Advisory Council on Wellness and Comprehensive Health Agenda - April 13, 2022 Advisory Council on Wellness and Comprehensive Health-Meeting Agenda-04-13-2022.pdf (228.23 KB) 04/13/2022 PDF
Advisory Council on Literacy Meeting Agenda - April 13, 2022 Advisory Council on Literacy-Meeting Agenda-04-13-2022 .pdf (445.09 KB) 04/13/2022 PDF
Linking Health & Learning Newsletter: April 2022 edu-linking-health-and-learning-newsletter-april-2022.pdf (427.91 KB) 04/12/2022 PDF
Special Education Nuggets: April 2022 edu-nuggets-special-education-newlsetter-april-2022 .pdf (354.31 KB) 04/12/2022 PDF
Vermont Early Multi-tiered System of Supports Action Planning Tool edu-early-mtss-action-planning-tool.docx (119.52 KB) 04/11/2022 Text
SBE Independent School Approval Review Committee - Meeting Agenda 04-13-2022 edu-sbe IS Approval Review Committee agenda-4-13-2022.pdf (184.39 KB) 04/11/2022 PDF
Vermont Early Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) System Inventory edu-early-mtss-system-inventory.xlsx (363.49 KB) 04/11/2022 Spreadsheet