This page contains a list of prequalified prekindergarten providers, as well as the requirements, rules and resources needed to maintain compliance as a prekindergarten education program in Vermont.
A prequalified prekindergarten education program is a public or private program that meets quality criteria set forth in the Act 166 administrative rules.
List of Prequalified Prekindergarten Providers
2025-2026 Public and Private Prekindergarten Providers List and Prequalification Status - This list is updated on a monthly basis as applications are processed. Updated prequalification status, along with detailed program profiles, can also be found on the Bright Futures Information Systems.
Update Your Prequalification Information
Please complete the Changes to Prequalified Program form if you are an approved program and the information reported in your original application has changed. The Agency of Education will use it to verify and update your information.
Administrative Rules
The administrative rules to establish and maintain a prequalified prekindergarten education program in Vermont are found in the Vermont State Board of Education Manual of Rules and Practices – Prekindergarten Education.
The Agency of Education Universal Prekindergarten Program Handbook and the Universal Prekindergarten Coordinator Handbook are based upon the administrative rules and detail education and compliance requirements.
Additional Universal Prekindergarten resources for administrators, directors and mentors.
- Universal Prekindergarten Partnership Agreement Recommendations
- AOE Provisional License Mentor Handbook for Public and Private PreK Programs
Standards, Assessment and Evaluation
Vermont Early Learning Standards
The Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS) help inform families about the development and capabilities of children from birth through grade 3 and guide educators in the development and selection of program-wide curriculum and educational strategies for children from birth through grade 3. These standards are central to the shared vision of what we want for young children in Vermont and highlight the importance of high quality early childhood experiences as the foundation for school success and lifelong learning.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE): Supporting Students with Diverse Abilities
Early Childhood Special Education Services (ECSES) support children ages 3 to 6 years. Local school districts administer ECSES to ensure access and participation for every child who is eligible for services.
ECSES enables young children with disabilities to be full participants in everyday routines and activities, whether at home with their families, in their communities, in child care or in school programs.
Student Assessment: Teaching Strategies GOLD
All publicly-funded prekindergarten programs must use the online Teaching Strategies GOLD child assessment to report on the progress of their students on an annual basis.
Data Collections
2023 Universal PreK Education Desk Monitoring Assurance Report Submission
As a prequalified universal prekindergarten education program, you are required to submit an assurance report to the Vermont Agency of Education to maintain your current prequalification status. This data collection will be required on a three-year cycle for the state to verify that your public/private program remains in compliance with Act 166 requirements of prequalified prekindergarten education programs.
Complete the online UPK Desk Monitoring Assurance Report. Please note: If your program has multiple programs, you will need to complete a separate application for each program.
Submission for UPK Desk Monitoring Assurance Report is due no later than June 16, 2023.
If you require assistance please send email
UPK Suspension and Expulsion
Act 35 of 2021 and Act 166 of 2022 laws disallow suspension and/or expulsion of any child under the age of eight in prequalified public and private UPK programs unless the child poses an imminent threat of harm or danger to others in the school or program, and criteria have been met under the law (reference memos).
- Memo: Determining the Appropriateness of Suspension or Expulsion for Students Under Age Eight (August 3, 2022)
- Memo: New Requirement - Ban on Suspension and Expulsion of Students Under Age Eight Enrolled in Prequalified Private UPK Programs (September 2, 2022)
- New Requirement: Ban on Suspension and Expulsion of Children Under Eight (September 10, 2021)
To meet obligations related to Universal Prekindergarten Education (UPK) Suspension and Expulsion data collection, a public and private UPK program must complete this incident report for each student who is suspended or expelled. Within 5 school calendar days from the date of the incident, the public or private UPK program must submit this report to the child's school district of residence. Please email questions or concerns to the Early Education Team at
- UPK Suspension and Expulsion Incident Report
- Kindergarten to Age 8: Suspension and Expulsion Incident Report
Enrollment and Other Student Data Collection
The Agency of Education requires all public school districts to report student enrollment and other student data in the Agency’s VT Student Census platform for each child enrolled in the town’s or district’s educational programs, including UPK and early education programs.
Memo to Business Managers and PreK Providers: Household Income Form Data Collection
Memo to Superintendents, Principals, PreK Coordinators and Technology Leads: Prekindergarten Data Requirements
Establishing Prekindergarten Regions
Act 166 provides for the establishment of geographic limitations or “Prekindergarten Regions” in which a school board may choose to limit the geographic area within which it will pay tuition for prekindergarten education. Please contact Tammy Bates for the most recent Prekindergarten Education Region Application.