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Vermont Multi-Tiered System of Supports

A Multi-tiered System of Supports is a framework that unifies educational opportunities and supports to improve outcomes and ensure equity for all students.

The Vermont Multi-tiered System of Supports (VTmtss) is a systemic approach to decision-making for excellence and equity within a culture of continuous improvement that focuses on successful outcomes for all students. This systemic approach:

VTmtss logo

  • Supports the collaboration of all adults to meet the academic, behavioral, social and emotional needs of all students,
  • Provides a layered system of high-quality, evidence-based instruction, intervention, and assessment practices that are matched to student strengths and needs,
  • Relies on the effective and timely use of meaningful data,
  • Helps districts and their schools organize resources to accelerate the learning of every student, and
  • Engages and develops the collective expertise of educators, students, family and community partnerships.

The Agency of Education supports VTmtss by:

Sharing key criteria, expectations, and resources for implementing and sustaining the components identified in the VTmtss Field Guide

Supporting data-based problem-solving approaches, effective leadership teaming practices, integration of resources, and research across all levels of our PreK-12 cascade

Building common language around equity and excellence for all schools

Providing technical assistance focused on continuous improvement in schools that provide a continuum of supports to meet the needs of all students. Please complete the VTmtss Technical Assistance Request Form.

Developing professional learning opportunities, resources, guidelines, and tools to support implementation of VTmtss: academic, behavioral and social/emotional

Questions about VTmtss?

To learn more:

VTmtss Technical Assistance Request Form

Sign up for the VTmtss listserv.

Contact the VTmtss Team:

Tracy Watterson, Assistant Director of Student Support Services and VTmtss Program Manager at

Caitlin Chisholm, VTmtss Coordinator (Data, Restorative Approaches) at

Tom Faris, VTmtss Coordinator (Educational Support Teams, Exclusionary Discipline, Rule 4500) at

Michele Hartje, VTmtss Coordinator (School Climate Coordinator, Section 504) at

Nancy Hellen, VTmtss Coordinator (Family Engagement, Educational Equity) at

Meghan "MJ" Jaird, VTmtss Coordinator (Harassment, Hazing and Bullying Prevention) at Meghan.Jaird@vermont

Kate Paxton, VTmtss Coordinator (Project AWARE Co-Coordinator) at