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Public Comment: Draft Model Policy, Act 29 Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams

Pursuant to Section 4 of Act 29 of 2023, an act relating to school safety, the Agency of Education (AOE), in consultation with stakeholder groups, was required to develop a model policy and procedure regarding the use of behavioral threat assessment teams. This draft model policy is available for review and public comment through December 1. Background information about the policy may be found in the Memo: Draft Model Policy, Act 29 Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams.

The full Draft Model Policy, Act 29 Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams memo is also available in the following languages:

As critical partners who will be tasked with implementing this policy, the AOE encourages superintendents and independent school heads to review this draft policy with their school community and team members and to provide feedback through the

Wednesday, November 1, 2023 - 12:00 PM - Friday, December 1, 2023 - 11:59 PM

Facilitation Guide: Developing Flexible Pathways Profiles at the Local Level

The purpose of the Pathways Profile tool is to assist schools and LEAs in developing, improving upon, and communicating Flexible Pathway opportunities that are effective, equitable, compliant, and safe. It is not intended to be a checklist, but rather a robust tool for teams to evaluate how they implement procedures, practices, and processes for Flexible Pathways consistent with Vermont’s Education Quality Standards, and foster transparency with students, staff, families, and the community.

Continuous Improvement for Equity Module 2: Developing a Working Theory of Improvement

Welcome to Continuous Improvement for Equity Module #2: Developing a Working Theory of Improvement. In this module, we will explore the components of the driver diagram, also known as a working theory of improvement, that illustrates the causal pathway between the changes you make for improvement and your intended goals or outcomes.

Continuous Improvement for Equity Module 1: Assessing Current State with Equity Lens

In this module we will explore the four main types of data cited in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Toolkit, a supporting document that can help guide your continuous improvement planning, as well as other steps to ensure you take a systemic approach to data analysis when assessing your current state. 

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