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School District Data Tool

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The Agency of Education created this Excel spreadsheet to provide you with a fiscal snapshot of each school district in Vermont. Specifically, information regarding various pupil counts, education spending, per-pupil spending, tax rates, and staff numbers are used to generate a five-year picture of each district.

As these data influence each other (equalized pupils and education spending generate per-pupil spending which determines tax rates, for instance), we compiled these items into a three-page, printable report, with locked data cells so the data does not get inadvertently altered by the user.

The first page of the tool allows you to choose which district you are interested in viewing and which school. You can then run the report to view that school’s change in enrollment over time, tax rate calculations, student: staff ratios, staffing patterns, and per pupil spending, both in data form and graphs. Also included are data for the state as a whole over the same time period.
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