Initiatives and Resources
Funding Opportunity
The Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 requires that states solicit applicants to compete for Adult Education and Literacy funds (AEL). The next funding opportunity will open in early 2025 for grant awards beginning July 1, 2025.
Dual Enrollment
The Vermont Dual Enrollment program, 16 V.S.A. § 944, includes up to two college courses for eligible Vermont high school students. The Agency of Education has oversight of the dual enrollment program and will work with partner institutions of higher education to manage the delivery to students. Dual enrollment courses provided for in this legislation can be offered on a college campus, online, and on-site at a participating high school.
Early College
Through the Flexible Pathways Initiative, Vermont's Early College Program (ECP) has made funds available to students accepted into full-time programs that are developed and operated by one of the Vermont State Colleges or an accredited private postsecondary school located in Vermont, and that are approved for operation by the Secretary of Education.
Student Eligibility
Local Assessments
Vermont Comprehensive Assessment System
The Agency of Education coordinates the implementation and administration of all components of the Vermont Comprehensive Assessment System (CAS), including the development of alternate assessments. The Agency also identifies, analyzes, and reports on outcomes and data measured by the CAS.
Physical Education
The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals. Vermont law (16 V.S.A. § 136) defines the Physical Education program as “a sequential, developmentally appropriate program that is an enjoyable experience for students and is designed to help students develop the knowledge, skill, self-management skill, attitudes and confidence needed to adopt and maintain physical fitness throughout their lives”.
Education Technology
The Agency's Educational Technology program works to provide guidance in policy and practice related to the use of education technology within Vermont’s local educational agencies (LEAs).