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Adult Education and Literacy Distance Education Proxy Hours Guidelines

This document provides interim guidelines related to distance education proxy hours excerpted from a revised Adult Education and Literacy Assessment Manual submitted to the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) for final approval. OCTAE has already approved the proxy hour change as part of the distance education policy and is provided below. Remaining sections of the current published AEL assessment manual are in effect until further notice. Upon approval of the complete assessment policy by OCTAE, these guidelines will be rescinded.

Multilingual Learners and Dual Identification

Distinguishing a learning difficulty resulting from learning English as a second language and one caused by a disability requires a consideration of many variables. This document focuses on helping special educators and administrators better serve Multilingual Learners with disabilities, particularly when identifying Multilingual Learners’ need for special education services. Best practice is outlined from pre-referral to the development of an IEP that ensures Multilingual Learners receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

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