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School Climate

School Climate and Belonging

Schools are often the center of a community and play a key role in providing students and families with instruction, resources, and support. A school climate can be described as the way a school feels when you enter the environment. It is imperative to intentionally develop a culture and climate for learning, caring, and success

Dimensions of School Climate

Dimensions of school climate encompass a wide range of areas requiring a deliberate, thoughtful, and comprehensive educational approach, including:

  • Personal Relationships – Trusting, High Educator Morale, All Students Belong
  • Physical Safety (Student, Teacher, and Staff) – Respectful and Supportive School Environment, Comprehensive Layered Supports, with Collective Ownership for Positive Change
  • School and Classroom Environment – Culture of Care and Connectedness
  • Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying Prevention – At School and Online
  • Student and Educator Well-being – Social and Emotional Development, Health Standards, Mental Health Supports, Vermont Project AWARE
  • Teaching and Learning – A positive school climate influences Attendance, Academic Outcomes, Student Engagement, Graduation Rates, and aligns with all aspects of the Vermont Portrait of a Graduate
  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) – Vermont PBIS, Responsive Classroom, Restorative Practices, Collaborative Problem Solving, and Trauma-Informed Approaches
  • Educational Equity – Achievement, Fairness, and Opportunity for All Students
  • School-Family Partnerships – Collaboration with Caregivers, Bridge Between Families and Community Resources, Building Relationships at the Speed of Trust, and Parent, Family and Community Engagement as a key strategy

A positive school climate promotes school safety, student engagement, emotional wellness, and a strong sense of belonging for everyone. The Agency of Education (AOE) believes that safe and supportive school environments are the blueprint to fostering successful learning and positive lifetime outcomes for Vermont students.

What is a positive School Climate?

The National School Climate Center (NSCC, 2007) defines positive school climate as:

  • Norms, values, and expectations that support people feeling socially, emotionally and physically safe
  • People are engaged and respected
  • Students, families, and educators work together to develop and contribute to a shared school vision
  • Educators model and nurture attitudes that emphasize the benefits and satisfaction gained from learning
  • Each person contributes to the operations of the school and the care of the physical environment

The School Climate and Belonging webpage includes resources, strategies, and measures for Vermont schools to consider using while defining the Safe and Healthy Schools goal for the AOE Continuous Improvement Plans (CIP) Development process.

For additional information or support accessing school-wide or classroom resources, contact: Michele.Hartje@vermont.govVT AOE School Climate and Belonging Coordinator.

School Climate Topics

Questions about School Climate and Belonging?
