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Harassment, Hazing and Bullying Prevention Advisory Council

The Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying Prevention Advisory Council (HHB) was established by the Secretary of Education pursuant to Act 129 of 2012 to act as an advisory council to provide advice and recommendations on harassment, hazing, and bullying prevention strategies and resources; and to coordinate statewide activities related to the prevention of and response to harassment, hazing, and bullying. The council reports annually in January to the state board and the house and senate committees on education.

Mission Statement

The Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying Advisory Council envisions inclusive, healthy, and collaborative learning environments for all Vermont schools that are free of bullying, hazing, and harassment. We value multicultural learning environments and school communities free of prejudice and discrimination, where all students and adults feel welcome, respected, safe, and empowered to promote fairness and equality on behalf of themselves and others.

Model Policy and Procedures

All Vermont public and independent schools are required to have Harassment, Hazing and Bullying prevention policies. Review the HHB model policy and procedure developed by the Secretary in consultation with the Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying Prevention Advisory Council. Review the interpretation of the HHB model policy and procedure.

Please send questions and public comment for the Harassment, Hazing and Bullying Prevention Advisory Council to Chair Rebecca McBroom,

Council Members

In February 2025, this Advisory Council was reestablished with the following membership:

  • Rebecca McBroom, Chair - Vermont-National Education Association designee
  • Lauren Young - Vermont Principals’ Association designee
  • Heather Thomas Lynn - Vermont School Boards Association designee
  • Caty Sutton - Vermont Superintendents Association designee
  • Big Hartman - Vermont Human Rights Commission Executive Director
  • Oliver Olsen - Vermont Independent Schools Association designee
  • Jacoby Soter - Student
  • Tracy Watterson - Vermont Agency of Education designee

This council size allows for a variety of ideas while still being manageable, leads to productive discussions without losing focus, and respects the time commitment asked of its members to address their scope of work for 2025. 

The Agency of Education has determined a Scope of Work for 2025 to guide the AC's quarterly, virtual meeting. and have recommended the AC include additional voices as guest speakers, etc. when addressing their scope of work for 2025.

 Please send your questions to