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Flexible Pathways

The Flexible Pathways Initiative, created by Act 77 of 2013 and found in statute under 16 V.S.A. § 941, encourages and supports the creativity of school districts as they develop and expand high-quality educational experiences that are an integral part of secondary education in the evolving 21st-century classroom. Flexible pathways also promote opportunities for Vermont students to achieve postsecondary readiness through high-quality educational experiences that acknowledge individual goals, learning styles, and abilities; and increase the rates of secondary school completion and postsecondary continuation in Vermont. Flexible Pathways provides for:


Vermont Framework for Proficiency-Based Learning Grant Application (CLOSED)

The Vermont Agency of Education invites supervisory unions/districts (SUs/SDs) to apply for Secondary School Reform grant funding, totaling $150,000, for the purpose of improving their Framework for Proficiency-Based Learning. This competitive grant will be for FY23 (2022 - 2023 academic year). Applicants may apply for grants for up to $10,000 to fund expenses related to participation in the Vermont Framework for Proficiency-Based Learning professional learning series facilitated through the Agency’s contract with the Great Schools Partnership.

STEAM Challenge Grant - 2023-2024 School Term (CLOSED)

AOE is offering a competitive grant to SUs/SDs and the public schools and CTE centers they operate to apply for the STEAM Challenge Grant. The intent of the grant is to promote rigorous, relevant and authentic STEAM learning experiences that encourage students to apply STEAM concepts to real-world situations. Vermont public secondary schools, including CTE centers, are invited to organize interdisciplinary teams of at least five students and one licensed educator to address a problem within the state. Once a team has identified a problem to solve, they must utilize a STEAM approach to come up with a solution. The team must specifically demonstrate that they applied and integrated the knowledge, skills, and practices of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics and provide a plan for how they would present their solution to the public. There may be an opportunity for student projects to be on display and presented to community members. Grant funds may be used for student enrichment activities; professional learning; tools, supplies, technology, services and/or consulting needed to create the demonstration element of the challenge; and STEAM curriculum.  

New Civic Literacy Grant (CLOSED)

The AOE is offering a competitive Civic Literacy Grant to Supervisory Unions/Supervisory Districts (SUs/SDs) to complement and/or amplify their existing secondary school curricula by providing students an innovative learning opportunity on the history and principles of U.S. constitutional democracy as evidenced through voting. The AOE is competing funds to support schools who want to purchase, as part of curricula to support civic literacy, Our Unfinished March by former United States Attorney General Eric Holder, and have their students participate in an event where they will hear from and talk with Mr. Holder at The Flynn Center for Arts on May 16, 2023. This opportunity highlights the importance of literacy within the social studies, and connected literacies such as civic, media, ethical and equity literacy as well as engages students in contemporary texts to build contextual knowledge. The AOE will provide supplemental learning materials aligned to the College, Career and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards to support this learning opportunity.

Civic Literacy Grant Application

New STEAM Opportunity – FIRST Robotics (CLOSED)

The AOE is offering a competitive grant to SUs/SDs and CTE centers to complement their existing STEAM programs and FIRST Robotics (FRC) teams with an opportunity to apply their skills in leadership and understanding of STEAM principles to sustaining FIRST teams. The goal of this project is to begin building a coherent system of understanding regarding the tenets of STEAM education in order to help provide structures for SU/SDs and CTE centers to build STEAM programs that are aligned with state adopted standards. ​In order to begin supporting programs that provide Vermont students a holistic STEAM experience, this opportunity helps fund schools’ 2022 FIRST Robotics competition (FRC) team and complement current STEAM initiatives. To ensure FIRST competition sustainability and system-wide STEAM efforts, this grant funds internal support for the development of FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) and FIRST Lego League (FLL) teams from feeder schools. That is, this is an opportunity for current FRC teams to support their SU/SD’s or CTE service region’s younger students in preparing for FIRST competitions in addition to offering funds for the 2022 FRC competition. 

STEAM/FIRST Robotics Grant Application

Request for Applications: Act 67 Community Schools Act Competitive Grant Opportunity (CLOSED)

With the passage of Act 67 – The Community Schools Act in June, the Agency of Education developed a competitive grant opportunity for eligible applicants to develop and pilot Community School models. Community Schools serve as resource hubs that provide a broad range of easily accessed, well-coordinated supports and services that help students and families with increasingly complex needs. This grant program supports Vermont schools and community partners to develop, expand, and sustain a community school model that demonstrates five pillars: integrated student supports, expanded and enriched learning time and opportunities, active family and community engagement, collaborative leadership and practices, and safe, inclusive, and equitable learning environments. The following Supervisory Unions/Supervisory Districts (SU/SDs) are recipients of the three-year Community Schools Programs grant award: Addison Northwest Supervisory District, Caledonia Central Supervisory Union, North Country Supervisory Union, Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union, and White River Valley Supervisory Union. Funding for the implementation of Community School models will be provided annually for a period of three years to successful applicants. 

Act 67 - Community Schools Grant Program webpage

Act 67 – Community Schools Grant Summaries (PDF, printable version)

Community Schools Act Request for Application 

Equitable Education Systems Grant (CLOSED)

The Agency of Education awarded competitive grants to six SU/SDs to engage their school systems in activities that facilitate the development and implementation of policies, practices, and strategies that support culturally responsive and inclusive school communities. Projects include developing hiring policies, drafting/refining inclusive coordinated curriculum, outreach and community engagement, and other related activities that support closing equity gaps for Vermont learners.

Equitable Education Systems Grant Application

Equitable Education Systems Grant Summaries

New Civic Education Opportunity- Project Citizen and We the People (CLOSED)

The AOE is offering a competitive grant opportunity to provide Supervisory Unions/Districts (SU/SDs) the opportunity to complement and/or amplify the regular high school and/or middle school curriculum by providing  students an innovative course of instruction on the history and principles of U.S. constitutional democracy, as well as an opportunity to engage with governmental processes and policy solutions through the Center for Civic Education’s We the People (grades 9-12) and/or Project Citizen (grades 5-8) programs. We the People allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of constitutional principles and have opportunities to evaluate, take, and defend positions on relevant historical and contemporary issues as they ‘testify’ in simulated Congressional hearings. Project Citizen provides a hands-on approach to learning about our complex system of government as students collaborate to identify problems within their community, as well as develop solutions that would require government involvement. Students then showcase their research and policy solutions to the class/community.

Civic Education Grant Application

Previous Grant Opportunities

Equity Literacy Grant

The Agency of Education awarded competitive grants to school systems for providing professional learning opportunities that lay the foundation for educators to develop and implement strategies aimed at improving equity literacy in their systems. Competitive awards were granted to SU/SDs that showed the greatest promise for positive change. Those that created partnerships regionally and through collaboration with other organizations were prioritized. Grant opportunities below are now closed.

Equity Literacy Resources:

Equity Literacy Resources, Fall 2019

Spring 2019

Fall 2019 Equity Grant Application

  • Total funds allocated for the Equity Literacy Grants is $100,000.

Equity Literacy Grant Application 

  • Total funds allocated for the Equity Literacy Grants is $200,000.
  • The Equity Literacy Grants were awarded to thirteen Vermont school districts and supervisory unions across the state and total nearly $200,000.

2019-2020 Equity Literacy Grant Awardees

Press Release: AOE Awards Equity Literacy Grants to Vermont School Districts

Using Flexible Pathways for Personalized Learning

In the spring 2018 the Agency of Education awarded Flexible Pathways Expansion Grants to four supervisory unions and school districts throughout Vermont. These awards will be used to support high-quality, well-rounded, out-of-school time learning opportunities for Vermont learners. These grants represent the continued commitment to support schools and communities in their efforts to implement the Flexible Pathways Initiative – Act 77. Learn more about these Flexible Pathways for Personalized Learning projects.

Other Grants

Three competitive grant opportunities were awarded in April 2017 for the purpose of preparing students for post-secondary success through flexible pathways. Learn more about these Flexible Pathways projects.

Grant opportunity descriptions: