Mental Health and Well-being
Educating students to be healthy, strong, critical thinkers is most successful when we address students’ mental health and social-emotional needs. Refer to the AOE’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health Well-being webpage for additional resources. The AOE is focused on supporting student belonging, engagement, and wellness.
To examine layers of support across the school system, the SEL And Mental Health: Making Connections with VTmtss needs assessment tool is a helpful resource. More resources are available on the AOE’s Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health Well-being webpage.
For an SEL screener and Health related Education Quality Standards resources, access the Social Emotional Learning and Well-being Data Collection and Reporting webpage.
The Vermont School Mental Health Systems Toolkit (January 2024) was recently published outlining the eight core competencies of a comprehensive school mental health system. In addition, the Vermont Agency of Human Services Department of Mental Health provides additional resources about School Based Mental Health Services.