The Education Quality Reviews (EQR) are Vermont’s way of assessing school’s success in meeting the Education Quality Standards. We know that all schools in Vermont are having great success in some aspects of their mission and need support in others. The Education Quality Reviews provide data to schools to focus their school improvement efforts and their work that should be celebrated.
The EQRs are composed of two distinct components. The Annual Snapshot provides largely quantitative data on numerous indicators spread across all five domains of the Education Quality Standards. Every school, supervisory union/district, and Vermont, as a whole, will have a snapshot published each fall.
The Integrated Field Reviews provide a qualitative lens to demonstrate a broader picture of the strengths and needs of supervisory unions/districts. Peers in the education community will spend an intensive day visiting classrooms, reviewing documents, and interviewing educators, students, and parents. At the conclusion of the visit, the team will report out commendations and recommendations for each of the five domains of the Education Quality Standards.