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The Annual Snapshot

The Vermont Annual Snapshot is a quantitative look at school quality, measuring performance for schools, supervisory unions and school districts, and the state as a whole. Released in the fall, the Snapshot measures a range of indicators including:

  • academic proficiency
  • high quality staffing
  • personalization
  • safe, healthy schools
  • investment priorities

The Annual Snapshot is part of Vermont's plan under the US Every Student Succeeds Act. The AOE, with consultation from a range of stakeholders, developed the plan to help schools and their communities:

educational programs


How to Use the Snapshot

The Annual Snapshot is designed to be used by a broad range of stakeholders across the state. Much, but not all, of the information does not require deep knowledge of how schools work.  We have developed several tools to help you maximize its functionality.

The Annual Snapshot features:

  • The ability to “drill-down” to get increasingly detailed data on a school, Supervisory District/Union, or student group.
  • The data of any group of 10 students or fewer suppressed to protect privacy.
  • The ability to find a school or Supervisory District/Union by name, district, or town.

Please use the tools below created by the Agency of Education and our partners to acclimate you to the Annual snapshot, including:

Vermont Annual Snapshot Overview

Vermont Annual Snapshot User Guide

Vermont Annual Snapshot Technical Manual

Public FAQ


Video Tutorials

Supporting Documents

The Annual Snapshot is part of Vermont's state ESSA plan. The resources below help provide context for the creation of the Annual Snapshot. They also outline some of the decisions made during its development. Additionally, you can read about the requirements under ESSA and the Vermont State Board of Education's rules.

Education Quality Standards—Rule 2020 Vermont State Board of Education (2014)

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)—Federal Law (2015)

Vermont State Plan—Vermont’s Plan for how we will meet ESSA requirements

State Plan Summary Documents—A series of one-page documents to help grasp key aspects of the Vermont State Plan content

Use of School Improvement Funds

Annual Snapshot Point Value Reference Tables